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149. Zoe arrives at school

148. Karyn goes to school

147. Karyn wakes up

146. Karyn Lets Biff Take Her to Sa

145. Karyn Wants to Go Home

144. Karyn needs to leave

143. Karyn Comes to Her Senses

142. Sarah's alone finally

141. Biff Arrives

140. Tiffany wants to be friends

139. Makeover

138. See Miss Fine?

137. Same time next week?

136. Zelda and Jay

135. Zelda Joins the Game

134. Zelda joins in

133. Hot Topic

132. Kyla likes Jay

131. Wood Wood

130. Settlers of Catan

Miss Fine: Zoe Arrives At School

avatar on 2016-11-27 20:07:53

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Meanwhile Zoe Gibson was just arriving at school. She had had a pretty normal morning so far.

When Zoe woke up she decided to get dressed. Opting for a white tank top and a pair of denim jeans. She tied her hair into a loose ponytail.

As she worked on her hair she frowned. "Hmm, needs more colour." She thought to herself. "I wonder if mom will let me dye it blonde?" she wondered.

Next she put on her makeup and added some jewellery. Once she was ready she headed down for breakfast.

Zoe wasn't surprised that as she had breakfast that Linda was arguing with mom. It seemed to be all they did these days. Zoe didn't pay much attention but it had something to do with getting a lift from Miss Fine.

After breakfast Zoe kissed her mom on the cheek and said goodbye as she headed to school.

When she got there she found Athena waiting for her. Zoe looked at her with disgust. "What on earth is she wearing?" Zoe asked herself. "I can't be seen hanging out with her."

"Hi" Zoe said trying to figure out a way of ditching her.

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