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141. Biff Arrives

140. Tiffany wants to be friends

139. Makeover

138. See Miss Fine?

137. Same time next week?

136. Zelda and Jay

135. Zelda Joins the Game

134. Zelda joins in

133. Hot Topic

132. Kyla likes Jay

131. Wood Wood

130. Settlers of Catan

129. Tiffany Wants to Play

128. Tiffany at the bookstore

127. Tiffany

126. Karyn gets changed

125. Another Sarah Trick

124. It's a date

123. Karyn Makes a Deal

122. Sarah switches phones

Miss Fine: Biff Arrives

avatar on 2016-11-26 16:13:49

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The doorbell rang. Karyn let out a small squeal. "That must be Biff!" She said and she almost practically ran to answer the door.

Sarah sighed as she switched off the TV. They had killed the time by watching one of Karyn's favourite shows. It was a show called Star Trek. Sarah had heard off it but had thought it was for nerds. However when she watched it she actually found it to be quite enjoyable. Karyn on the other hand was a different story.

She kept blabbing on about Biff and constantly kept wondering out loud about their date which Sarah found rather annoying as she tried to concentrate on the show. So when the doorbell rang Sarah was relieved.

By the time Sarah got downstairs Biff was already all over Karyn. Complimenting her on her look while she giggled away. God it made Sarah feel sick.

"Oh hey Sarah" Biff said looking up. "We were just about to head out."

"Biff's taking me to a fancy restaurant." Karyn said, she giggled again while Sarah just rolled her eyes.

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