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137. Same time next week?

136. Zelda and Jay

135. Zelda Joins the Game

134. Zelda joins in

133. Hot Topic

132. Kyla likes Jay

131. Wood Wood

130. Settlers of Catan

129. Tiffany Wants to Play

128. Tiffany at the bookstore

127. Tiffany

126. Karyn gets changed

125. Another Sarah Trick

124. It's a date

123. Karyn Makes a Deal

122. Sarah switches phones

121. Biff and Karyn need to Talk

120. Karyn and Sarah at the Mall

119. Miss Fine: The Movie

118. The Previous Afternoon

Miss Fine: Same Time Next Week?

avatar on 2016-11-26 10:18:47

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The game soon ended and Kyla won. She caves a little cheer which caused the other patrons of the bookstore to turn and look at them. She looked at them sheepishly before apologising.

"That was fun guys" Zelda said as Jay tidied the game away. "When can we do this again?"

Kyla looked at her. "Well we meet here every Wednesday after school. We don't always play Settlers of Catan though." She said trying to dissuade Zelda.

"That's OK" Zelda replied. "I'd like to join you next week" she said.

Tiffany nodded in agreement. "Me too" she said.

Kyla rolled her eyes. "Great" she thought to herself.

The teens eventually parted ways with Zelda walking away with Josh and Oliver.

Tiffany waited until they had left. "Hey, Kyla. Can I speak to you for a minute? Alone?" She said looking over towards Jay.

"But..." Kyla began but Jay interrupted her.

"It's OK. I'll wait for you outside." And he left the two girls alone.

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