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107. Linda's new toy

106. The Punished Mother

105. Linda loses her cool

104. Like Zoe

103. He Who Does the Work Gets the

102. Miss Fine agrees with Jon

101. Linda Wants to Stay Home

100. Dinner interrupted

99. Something is Very Wrong Here

98. Linda and Miss Fine talk

97. Making Sense

96. Jon and The Tablet - Expanded

95. Jon Goes Up to See Linda

94. Miss Fine Alone with the Purse

93. Jon Gets Home

92. Guess Who is Coming for Dinner

91. The spa was great

90. Soa is a Cover

89. Jon gets to drive

88. Onward to the Spa

Miss Fine: Linda's New Toy

avatar on 2016-11-24 19:28:04

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Meanwhile, upstairs, Linda walked around the room...bored. She spotted something she didn't recognize on the dresser.

She wandered over to it and picked it up. It was a blue MP3 player with a pair of headphones attached to it. Linda paused. She didn't remember seeing this before but she put the headphones in and then lay down on her bed.

As she lay there she looked through the playlist. It was full of bands that she had recently discovered via the tablet. Linda smiled as she spotted her current favourite. She selected the album and let it play.

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