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34. Karyn meets Sarah

33. Sarah's secret desire

32. Abstinence Challenge

31. Tiffany's session

30. Tiffany Gets Nervous

29. Sarah's True Feelings

28. Sarah and Tiffany get called t

27. Jon meets up with Karyn

26. Zoe returns to class

25. Jon Hard at Work

24. Zoe's Past (Alt)

23. Zoe Has a Counseling Session

22. It's Zoe's turn

21. A Meeting with Miss Fine

20. Jon Resolves to Do Better

19. later that evening

18. Jon's cooking

17. Zoe arrives home

16. Jon the Cook

15. Jon's next task

Miss Fine: Karyn Meets Sarah

avatar on 2016-11-13 07:40:53

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After class Sarah headed to her locker to pick up her books for her next class. On the way she spotted Karyn.

Sarah smiled at her. "Hi Karyn" she said trying to be friendly.

Karyn looked at her confused. "What do you want Sarah?" She asked expecting trouble.

"Just trying to be friendly." Sarah said being honest.

"Yeah right" Karyn scoffed. Since when had Sarah been friendly? Especially to her?

"Have you been to see Miss Fine?" Karyn asked curious.

Sarah nodded. "Yeah. Why" she asked.

"Jon's been as well and he's been acting differently since he saw her. And you are as well." Karyn pointed out.

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "I feel fine. She's a really nice woman."

"That's what Jon said" Karyn thought. "Something's going on with that woman." Karyn decided to investigate.

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