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17. Zoe arrives home

16. Jon the Cook

15. Jon's next task

14. Delegation

13. Jon picks up the laundry

12. The Professional

11. A session with Jon

10. Jon Isn't Relaxing

9. Linda's children

8. Questioning Linda

7. meeting with Linda

6. Introducing Miss Fine (Alt)

5. On a Gurney

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Miss Fine: Zoe Arrives Home

avatar on 2016-11-08 15:28:31

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She headed toward the door, stopping to note what program Linda was watching. It was the local news station.

"Oh well" Miss Fine thought to herself. She hadn't really expected it to have changed. That would be on the cards for another session.

Later that evening Zoe came home after picking Mikey up from one of his friends house. As she opened the door she could smell dinner cooking.

What surprised her though was that she found her mother in the living room instead of the kitchen.

"Mom?" She asked confused. "Who's cooking dinner?" Normally mom did the cooking but today she was just sitting in front of the TV.

"Jon" Linda replied not looking away from the screen.

"Jon!?" Zoe repeated now really confused. Since when did Jon cook? "Why?" Zoe asked.

"Because I told him to." Linda replied. "And he offered to help."

Zoe shrugged her shoulders and decided to leave it at that.

She was about to head upstairs to her room when Jon called out from the kitchen.

"Dinner's ready!"

"This should be interesting" Zoe thought to herself.

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