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11. A session with Jon

10. Jon Isn't Relaxing

9. Linda's children

8. Questioning Linda

7. meeting with Linda

6. Introducing Miss Fine (Alt)

5. On a Gurney

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Miss Fine: A Session With Jon

avatar on 2016-11-05 14:55:30

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"Help me how?" He asked.

"Just relax," she said. "Now Jon. I was just talking with your mother and I realised that she works very hard."

"What do you mean?" Jon asked.

"Well she has a full time job and then when she's not working she has to take care of her three children. She must get very little time to herself."

Jon thought about and realised that Miss Fine was right. His mom did work hard to look after them and did he do anything to help? No, he just sat there playing video games.

"Now do you do anything to help around the house?" Miss Fine asked. Jon shook his head. "Well maybe it's time you started to." She suggested. "After all, you might learn something that could help you get a job."

Jon nodded. Miss Fine was right, maybe he should help out a bit more. His mom walked into the room.

"Hey mom?" He asked.

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