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14. Jon's room (extended)

13. In bed with mommy and daddy

12. Pushed into the Role

11. Mikey and Zoe (Alt)

10. Mikey the mom

9. It's Linda

8. Mikey's room

7. The Entire House

6. Send Jon Home (2)

5. On a Gurney

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The Workmen: Jon's Room (Extended)

avatar on 2017-07-22 13:57:12

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The next morning Jon was awoken by his siblings moving around. Not wanting to interact with them just yet he kept his eyes closed and pretended to sleep while Zoe and Mikey got ready for the day.

He must have drifted off again because the next time he woke up he was alone. He sat up in bed and took in his surroundings. Now that it was brighter and the curtains were undrawn Jon could see that room looked a lot nicer.

There was a chest of drawers that looked quite expensive and sitting next to them was a vanity table which had all sorts of make up and jewellery sitting on it.

Jon decided to sneak across to his old room. If his brother and sister were acting like they were parents and his mom was now acting like his brother. Did that mean that the family only had two children?

If so, then what was going on with his own room? Trying not to let anyone know that he was awake Jon crossed the hall and gently opened the door to his room, afraid of what he was going to find.

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