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5. ...kneeling under a table

4. Go for a random!

3. Body Control

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's first taste of being trapped

on 2018-04-16 10:45:35
Episode last modified by Malekith on 2018-04-17 01:57:40

4664 hits, 326 views, 4 upvotes.

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Jon was confused at first. His vision was a bit blurry, perhaps because his own mind had to adapt itself to this situation. What he could make out, however, were two dark table legs, a door and a carpeted floor. It seemed dark, and he guessed that the wall was dark as well, because he couldn't really tell if there even was one. There was also a weird, yet familiar smell in the air, almost a stench, and he felt... exhilarated for some reason.

He tried to look around out of instinct, but of course, he had no control over what he did. However, this didn't matter, as the head of whoever he was inside now moved on it's own, and what he saw shocked him a bit. Of course, he should've been prepared for it, but nevertheless he didn't expect this to happen on his first try...

Right in front of him were two strong-looking hairy legs, spread out to show a pair of fleshy orbs and, to no surprise, a long and hardened shaft pointing towards him. He couldn't make out who it belonged to, but they were naked down below, that much was clear. He found himself giggling in an awkward way, atleast to him, and the sound seemed distinctively feminine, so he assumed he was in a female's body. God, what a kinky scenario, and on his first try!

There were no words, just the aroused breathing of both his body and whoever the male in front of him was. He knew it was coming, but he still tried to wriggle away to no avail, as his head moved closer to the man's junk. The female who Jon was trapped inside moved her mouth closer to the dick, then below it, towards the testicles, to gleefully lick and suck on them, as both she and the male released a brief, lustful humming. Jon was not fond of the taste and the smell, but he had done this to himself, and the body he was in enjoyed it, which inevitably affected him as well, though only a bit.

"Well, atleast I now know what this feels like. Eugh..."

After a few more moments of toying with the man's balls, the woman moved her head back and her mouth along the length of the dick, licking it once sensually as Jon cringed in his mind, before proceeding to put it in her mouth, slowly at first and only the tip. Jon could already feel a tiny bit of precum on his - or rather, her - tongue. If he was in control, he'd thrash around to get away from this cock. But he wasn't.

"Oh god, why did I choose a random? Though for some reason I feel aroused... damnit, this is humiliating..."

The woman eased the dick inside of her mouth, sucking and licking on as much as she already had inside of her as Jon tried to endure it, as well as trying not to enjoy it. Obviously the woman's hormones had an effect on him as well, no matter how much he may want to deny it. His thoughts were interrupted, however, as the woman gently eased the dick further inside of her, challenging her gag-reflex, until it was all the way inside. The man groaned in pleasure as he moved his hands down to grab the sides of the woman's head before enforcing a steady, but at first gentle, rhythm.

"Oh god, the taste and smell, they're everywhere...! But... the texture feels... good?"

The woman moaned when she could, aiding the man's movements eagerly as the building rhythm became faster and faster. This went on for some time, maybe a few minutes at most, though it felt like an eternity to Jon, before the man hilted himself inside her throat, groaning intensely as he came, shooting his thick cum down the woman's - and in turn Jon's - waiting throat before letting go, causing the woman to move her head back to breathe in before moving back to leave the tip on her tongue, savouring the last shots and dribbles of cum.

"It feels so g... no, Jon, don't think like that! Come on, spit it out or swallow it already, please...!"

The woman did no such thing, instead keeping the cum in her mouth, playing with it, before eventually gulping it down, releasing another seductive giggle once she was finished.

The first experience in being trapped in another's body, and he got a fellating woman. Jon cursed himself slightly for not customizing the parameters, but he had to admit, he felt surprisingly satisfied, and really aroused. Maybe whatever they did next would be a bit better, he had always wondered what girls feel down there...
24 hours. Maybe she won't give another blowjob. Atleast he hoped as much.

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