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26. Jon and Biff Run After One of

25. Next Step, Nadine

24. Jon Has Some People in Mind

23. Next Stop

22. Teamwork

21. Jon Saves Biff

20. Jon Arrives

19. Lorraine and Gary Meadows

18. Wesley Meadows

17. Biff

16. Jon Chases a Moving Van

15. Fun and Pizza Toppings

14. Seems Normal

13. Jon Isn't the Best Liar

12. School Without

11. Karyn is Not Totally Convinced

10. Sarah is Different

9. Was It a Dream?

8. Unpacking

7. Zoe's Room

The Workmen: Chasing Down a Different Lead

avatar on 2015-12-16 05:02:42

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They were almost to Nadine's house when they nearly got run over by one of the black vans. It startled them, considering that everything seemed to be frozen, like before. But it was the van which caused them to change course.

"Where do you think it's headed?" Biff asked.

"I don't know, but ..." Jon said, then paused, looking down the road. "I think it stopped. Come on, let's go see what they're doing." He began to run towards it.

"What about that Nadine chick?" Biff asked.

"We don't know if she's in trouble," Jon said, pausing to talk. "But we know there's a van over there. Come on," he said, then continued running. Biff followed.

When they finally arrived to where the black van stopped ...

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