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26. Experiment: Kitchen

25. Experiment: Physical changes f

24. Experiment: Dressing the babie

23. Experiment: Babies waking

22. Experiment: Morning

21. Experiment: Bed time for Biff

20. Experiment: Bed Time for Pete

19. Experiment: TV

18. Experiment: Bed time

17. Experiment: After Bath

16. Experiment: Bath time

15. Experiment: Dinner

14. Experiment: Big Sister

13. Experiment: Pete

12. Experiment: Biff

11. Experiment: Babies

10. Experiment: Baby Room

9. Experiment: Adjusting

8. Experiment: Baby

7. The Experiment of Indeterminat

Experiment: Kitchen

on 2021-04-27 12:03:26
Episode last modified by belchest on 2021-04-27 16:40:07

1235 hits, 119 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Good morning Mom!" Pete chirped as he entered the kitchen.

Biff didn't really notice the change in Pete's voice but when he turned to greet him he couldn't help but notice the rest of the changes. Biff's jaw dropped at the sight of his teenage daughter. He had been thinking of Pete as his daughter since the beginning of the experiment yesterday but now there was no denying it.

"How? What? When? My God. Look at my girl. You look beautiful honey." Biff stuttered.

"Thanks Mom," Pete Blushed a little at the compliment. He was showing off everything. Standing with his hips cocked to the side, one hand resting on his hip and the other hanging limply in the air. He was sticking his chest out and countering the weight by sticking his butt out slightly too.
He explained about the message he had received and how the changes happened when he was asleep.

Biff stared at his chest and rather than feeling attraction he felt a little envious. He rubbed his own chest through his dress and a part of him wished he could grow similar breasts to Pete. Sure, he felt very feminine and was enjoying how comfortable he felt in his body and the dress he was wearing but he would like to fill it out a bit better.

"I can tell you're very proud of your body honey but I think it would be best if you went and got dressed and came back down for breakfast. The twins are watching a cartoon but I'm about to make some eggs and toast for everyone."

"Sure thing Mom," Pete replied and sauntered back towards the stairs. Biff was mesmerised by Pete's round shapely but as it wiggled away from him. Again, he rubbed his own butt through the dress and panties he was wearing and wished the same changes could be given to him.

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