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15. Experiment: Dinner

14. Experiment: Big Sister

13. Experiment: Pete

12. Experiment: Biff

11. Experiment: Babies

10. Experiment: Baby Room

9. Experiment: Adjusting

8. Experiment: Baby

7. The Experiment of Indeterminat

6. Logistics

5. Role play

4. What about wishing?

3. The social experiment

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Experiment: Dinner

on 2021-04-26 12:21:07

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Pete found going down the stairs to take much longer than normal. Both Jon and Karyn seemed a bit nervous and very unsteady on their feet. The were holding a railing each and taking it one step at a time,putting both feet on each step before going to the next one.

In contrast to their regressed motor skills they were both talking with Pete like the teenagers that they really were. Karyn was wondering what kind of roles had been given to other mutual friends of theirs and they were speculating about who they might get to interact with at day care and who might be given the role of Peter's friends and classmates. Both Jon and Karyn were said they were envious of Pete getting to continue in high school and they both agreed that he was a pretty teenager and was sure to be popular. Pete felt some pride at hearing this and he hoped they were right.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs Biff called out in a sing song voice from the kitchen telling them that dinner was ready.

At the dining table Pete saw a table with 2 regular chairs and 2 adult sized baby chairs with built in trays. Without even questioning it Jon got into one chair and Karyn the other. Biff asked Pete to make sure to strap the babies in. Jon questioned if that was really necessary, insisting he was a "big girl" but Biff insisted, reminding Jon that he was right about them needing diapers and saying the at "Mommy knows best.

Pete pulled 2 straps from around Jon's side and joined them with a strap that came up between his legs. The straps sat a bit tight on Jon's diaper and squished it down a bit but neither Pete nor Jon found it strange for Pete to be rummaging around by Jon's crotch. Pete repeated the process with Karyn who was similarly unfussed by Pete pressing her diaper against her crotch to get a proper grip of the strap.

With both babies securely fastened Pete took his seat, crossing his legs at the knee and pulling his chair under the table. Biff came out of the kitchen with 2 plates of spaghetti bolognese for him and Pete and 2 smaller bowls of the same for Jon and Karyn. Biff took his seat between Jon and Karyn, smoothing his dress out while sitting and crossing his legs at the knee just like Pete had done.

He gave Jon and Karyn a spoon each and told them he had already chopped their dinner up small. Karyn laughed at this, "Moooo-ooom, you didn't have to do that. Me and Jon are big girls, we can eat our dinner just as well as we could before. We are only pretending to be babies for this 'speriment." Biff glanced at Pete and both shared a little smirk. Karyn's protest was easily dismissabke as with her first spoonful she had dropped some sauce on her dress and smeared some more of it on her face.

Jon giggled and pointed at Karyn, telling her to look at the mess she was making. She quickly pointed back at him and said to look at himself. Jon had made a similar mess with his first few spoonfuls. They all shared a little laugh at the absurd Ness of the situation but they all had an unspoken moment of acceptance that Jon and Karyn would be relying on Biff and Pete for help with a lot of the basics as this experiment went on.

As the head of the household Biff was sharing all the details he had about the experiment with his new family. They all had a few more days off together to get used to their new roles before getting back to things like school and work. Biff would be working a fairly well paying job in a local office, Pete would be continuing in high school and Jon and Karyn would be going to a daycare near Biffs work.

When they were all finished their meals Biff gathered up the dishes and announced that he would be giving Jon and Karyn a bath before bed as they were both covered in food.

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