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12. First day of their schedule st

11. Growing Pains

10. Be a good girl

9. Ashley goes first

8. The Next Morning

7. Mom today kids tomorrow

6. Pizza Time?

5. The New Glen

4. Glen goes alone

3. The Chase Family

2. Prosperity & Redevelopment

1. The Drafting Board

P&R: First day of their schedule starts

on 2021-04-22 04:55:45
Episode last modified by Beta on 2021-04-29 12:50:22

916 hits, 49 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jordyn was rolled into a small room and given an IV. The nurse stepped out for just a minute and came back in with a table with a few trays covered up. Looking to the table of covered plates and up to the nurse.

"Tell me what is going on. How is this even possible? Why did you turn me into ma-" he stopped as she lifted the food coverings and he saw plates of bacon, eggs, and other breakfast fixing. He gulped feeling like he needed this food more then he ever needed anything else starting to dig into the plate of eggs rapidly. The nurse watched the new man stuff his face and eat at least seven people's worth of portions starting to even have bit of a bulge in his super thin stomach. He finally ran out of food and burped. He looked over to the nurse again who was just putting a shot into their IV and then started feeling super tired. He wanted to complain but he couldn't really stop from dozing off as the drug she just gave him knocked him out allowing him to sleep for a few hours while all the food and nutrients from the IV were used to finish up their transformation into the buff guy they were "meant" to be. The nurse sat down turning on the tv and waiting for them to finish resting and changing.


Nikki just got out of the shower and was blow drying her hair standing there in nothing but a towel as she shook it out. She was humming to herself wondering what her kids would be like when they got back. She really hoped Jordyn got treatment similar to her. She knows how much her small and curveless figure bothers her... plus her glasses.... She thought to herself. She always loved her daughter, but now after being changed she couldn't help but think shallowly. Thinking of all the things she hoped would get improved. She also considered her son, a good looking boy but he could stand to work out a bit. This made her think of her husband and blush a bit biting her lip. She saw her phone beep and ignored it for a moment as she was fixing her make up now. It beeped again and she couldn't help but feel sort of anxious about not looking at it. She moved over and saw it was an alert about how she had yoga class this morning with her friends.

"What friends?... we only just moved here?" she thought moving out of the bathroom and into the walk in closet. She looked around at her outfits but noticed there was a pair of black yoga pants with a grey and yellow pattern along the sides and edges, along with a yellow and black sports bra, a simple pair of grey pantie, and some grey and white sneakers with a yellow logo on the side. It seemed to be put out on a shelf for her as if it was a suggestion for her to wear. It was handy but... a little creepy. She shrugged taking the clothes and getting dressed looking herself over even grapping and lifting her butt still not really believing her fat butt was finally behind her... or she guessed no longer behind her. She noticed a yellow scrunchy on her vanity and picked it up tying back her hair before she heard people in her house and got scared. She opened the door seeing a group of men coming in and out of her house with various boxes and other things.

"W-what this?! Who are you?!" one looked up at her and said.

"No worries Mrs. Chase. We were just finishing up the move for your kids." One man called out as they were all heading out. She looked over to the room she thought was for Ashley seeing how it was now very pink from what she could see from inside the door and then looked down to see the men had all cleared out.

"Wait I think you got the rooms... swapped..." she called out a bit late but shrugged guessing the two could trade the rooms were identical after all. She looked around from where she stood at her upgraded house she didn't really get a chance to examine before and kind of understood a bit now. She didn't really like knowing so many strange men had access to their home and would talk to Glen about it later.

She started moving down the steps and over to the kitchen. She looked through the frig seeing it was fully backed and smile. She reached for the juice and felt a slight itchy tingle in her hand. She tried again a few times until she reached for the water and it felt fine to pick up. Then the same thing happened when she tried to grab the pack of bacon, but found it itchy and even slightly painful to touch. She then frowned taking the container of cut melon she saw on the top shelf and saw that it was okay.

"Maybe there is more of a down side to these changes then I realized...." she thought to herself as she ate her healthy breakfast.

Glen had gotten to his store and was pleased to see it was coming alone great for its grand opening soon. He met with his boss who seemed like a nice guy. He was handsome with a build like Glen had right now. Most of the day was much like a regular day at work and he might have even forgotten about how crazy the yesterday was until his boss told him they were going to go golfing and they could get into the real talk. Explaining just all the ins and out of this city and what it means to be one of the elites. The VIP's as the city put it.

Back at the processing center.

Ashley was digging in her purse for her phone after failing to get inside the building worried about her sister going to call her and try to warn her or something. She called a few times, but there was no answer which only made her more worried feeling like she drove her to her doom. Just then there was a beep behind her making her nearly drop her new bright pink phone as she turned around to see a hot blond girl sitting in a pink sports car with the top down. The girl took down her sunglasses and told her.

"Ashley. Get in."

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