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7. Everyone Across Town is Also A

6. Zoe (2)

5. Parents' Bedroom

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Identity Musical Chairs (Or, Musical Family Identities?)

avatar on 2017-01-15 15:52:30

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Karyn opened her eyes to the dim morning light. Why did her bed feel so comfortable? Looking around, she realized that the reason was because she wasn't in her bed. Somehow, she had wound up in her parents' bed.

Hearing someone breathing nearby, she turned and saw someone sleeping next to her. It was her mom. "Mom? Mom, wake up," she said, gently shaking her.

"Jusst five more minutesss, honey," she mumbled, still mostly asleep.

"Mom!" Karyn yelled.

That got her mom (Bethany Black) up. "Wha ... Karyn? What are you ..."

"Mom, how did I get in your bed?"

Bethany looked confused. "I don't know." She pulled the covers off of her and got a shock. "I'm not wearing my nightgown. Where is it?" she asked, panicking. She never went to bed naked.

Karyn pulled the covers off of herself, then said "I found it."


"I'm wearing it."

"Why are you wearing my nightgown?" Bethany asked.

"I don't know," Karyn said. She got out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She still looked like herself, but somehow she had gotten her mother's nightgown and a pair of her panties on her.

"Oh my god," Bethany uttered, causing Karyn to turn away from the mirror and look at her.

Karyn's eyes went wide. Her mom was wearing a pair of her dad's boxer shorts. Except, they looked much smaller than whatever her dad had. It was almost like they had been resized to fit on her mom's body. Karyn had a sinking feeling that this had something to do with the wishing stone.

Bethany headed towards her underwear drawer, saying "Well, I'm not going to walk around here topless." She reached for the drawer, but then stopped, and looked at Karyn.

"What?" her daughter asked her.

"I can't open it."

"Really?" Karyn asked, then she reached down and pulled the drawer open easily enough.

"How did you do that?" Bethany asked.

Karyn grabbed one of the bras from the drawer and looked at it, a quizzical look on her face.

"Karyn, what is it?"

"It's too big for you."

"What? Let me see that," she said, grabbing the bra out of Karyn's hands. She didn't have any problem taking a bra this time. She looked at it. The tag said that it was a C-cup, which was what it was supposed to be, but the cup sizes looked much bigger, like a DD-cup. Karyn's breasts were a DD-cup, thanks to that careless wish she made to have the same breast size as Sarah McMillan. This bra was designed to fit Karyn, not Bethany. "I don't understand."

"I think I do. This is going to sound strange, but I think I'm supposed to be you and you're supposed to be Dad. Like we've taken someone else's place or something."

"Speaking of your dad ... where is he?" Bethany asked.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and in walked Karyn's dad Edward Black. But he wasn't dressed normally. He was wearing a light blue bra and a pair of matching panties. It was what Karyn had been wearing last night before she went to bed. Earlier she had been posing in front of the mirror, trying to get a handle on her new look - DD-cup breasts and long blond hair. But there was something off about what her dad was wearing. The cups in the bra were flat, stretched across her dad's flat male chest, and the panties had what looked like a pouch in the front, giving support to his male genitalia. Obviously, her father had taken her place. She was about to comment on it, but before she could, her dad blurted out "Bethany, are you in here?"

Just as Edward turned and saw Karyn and his wife standing there (why was his wife topless and wearing his boxer shorts?), Karyn got angry all of a sudden.

"Edward," she said. "It's not appropriate to call your mother by her first name. Now go back to your room and get ready for school." She immediately got scared. Why did she call her father by his first name? And why was she being forced to act like her mom? She wasn't forced a moment ago when she was alone with her mom, discussing all this weirdness with her her.

"Sorry," Edward said. But inside, he didn't feel that there was anything to be sorry about. Bethany was his wife. He had every right to refer to her as Bethany. And this was his bedroom! Wait, did Karyn say school? What was happening?

That settled it - this had to be stone-related. Karyn walked over to a cellphone resting on the nightstand (she recognized it as her mother's ... though now, it was probably hers) and was about to call Jon's number, but then put the phone down. She wondered momentarily why she did that, but then got a worrisome thought. If she was supposed to be her mother now ... it would be out of character for her mom to call Jon, so now Karyn couldn't do that either. Though, her father could. But he didn't know anything about the stone. And she felt less than eager to tell him about it. Best to keep the existence of the wishing stone to just herself and Jon. But how was she going to contact him if it was strange for her to do such a thing? Little did Karyn know, Jon wasn't even himself right now, having taken the place of his mother Linda. Bethany and Linda knew each other, but they weren't really friends. The chances weren't good for Karyn and Jon to figure out what was happening together. They'd have to investigate separately.

Elsewhere in the town of Lake Point, other family members were interchanged as well. Biff Meadows woke up in his mother's lingerie and his little brother Wesley in his father's underwear, both boys discovering that they were in their parents' bed. Gary Meadows had taken the place of his younger son Wesley, while Loraine Meadows had taken the place of her older son Biff.

Sarah McMillan had taken the place of her mother Susan. Susan had taken the place of her husband Richard. And Richard had taken the place of Sarah.

Athena DeVries had taken the place of her mother Gillian. Gillian had taken the place of her husband Daniel. And Daniel had taken the place of Athena.

And so on. The only people not affected by this strange phenomenon seemed to be people who lived alone, as there was no one else there to "swap" with.

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