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14. A Hotel Room

13. Mikey Wakes Up to a Deserted H

12. Zoe Wakes Up in a Slumber Part

11. A Three-Way With the Fergusons

10. Karyn and the Woman Are Lovers

9. A Photo of Karyn and A Woman

8. A Master Bedroom

7. Sarah Bails Jon Out and Karyn

6. Released on Bail

5. Jail Cell

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jane in the Hotel Room With the Stiletto Heels

avatar on 2011-03-04 14:51:35

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Jane looked around, trying to determine exactly where she was. From what she saw, she appeared to be in a hotel room. But how did she get there? The last place she remembered being was at her house, in her own bedroom, so how could she possibly wake up here? It didn't make any sense. Did she have amnesia or something? She started to get afraid at the concept. If she did have memory loss, how much memory was gone? A day? A week? A month? A year? And what about her family? Were they looking for her? Was anyone looking for her?

She had to find a phone and call home. She pulled back the covers and got out of bed. That's when she got another shock. She was naked! She frantically looked around for some article of clothing and finally found a small pile on the floor near the bed. She grabbed the bra and put it on, immediately noticing how lacy and sexy it was - she usually just wore plain white ones. The panties were just as sexy - a lacy thong. Everything fit perfectly. These weren't someone other's clothes. These were hers. But she would never wear anything so ... daring. She shook her head, pushing those thoughts away. Right now, she needed to get dressed. She'd worry about what the clothes looked like later.

The next thing she put on was a tight low-necked T-shirt that easily showed off her cleavage - maybe a little too much for her tastes. Next came the black leather miniskirt. It was so short that the bottom of her butt was visible. Why the hell would she be wearing something like that? The last thing she saw in the pile was a pair of ... no! Six-inch stiletto heels?! She couldn't wear those! Why the hell would she even own those? Everything else fit her, so the shoes must have fit her too. And if everything fit her, then they must all belong to her. But it didn't make any sense. She'd never wear anything like this, she'd ...

She turned and looked into a mirror that was mounted on the wall. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head. "Oh my god, I look like a hooker!"

Just at that moment, the hotel room door opened and someone walked in. Jane turned and saw that it was ...

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