Jon looked at his mother and saw that she looked younger than he remembered, maybe as much as ten years younger. But that was because she had work done on her appearance. With the extra money she made as the executive of one of the more major businesses in Lake Point (quite a step up from being a secretary at a law firm), she improved her looks, gave herself larger breasts, a bigger butt, a thinner but curvier body, a facelift, better hair. Linda hated women her age who were vain, doing whatever they could to stay looking young, even if it ended up looking fake. At the moment, it didn't look fake at all, but Linda had this burning desire to get even more work done on herself, to make herself look even "better", even though she didn't actually need it.
The other thing that she hated was haughty rich types. Women who liked to throw their money around on selfish things and make sure everyone knew just how well off and superior they were. Well, now Linda was like that, and even though she knew she normally should hate that, she couldn't help but enjoy it. She now loved the idea of being a snob.
Meanwhile, at the McMillan house, Sarah was waking up to an entirely different life than she was used to, one that yesterday she would have hated, but now she loved and embraced, oddly enough.
So how did she change? What did Sarah McMillan hate or dislike the most?