To be sure, I don't intend Lucas to be a goddess... Then again, she IS Doctor-who-like in some aspects, so she IS very powerful indeed.
Also to be sure, I'd trust Lucas with power more than I'd trust Dr. Manhattan (seeing as he was fairly weak-willed and essentially became an instrument of realpolitik). But I do see your point in that such power, revealed or with attempted use by others, might well end up in a Dr. Manhattan-like scenario (one I have no interest in pursuing for Lucas, mainly because she'd never realistically reach Manhattan's level of "detachment" - Manhattan was Neutral, Lucas is Chaotic Good-ish).
I do see your point, though. Ironically, it may well be that Hawkins helped Lucas and the world more than he could ever IMAGINE by getting Lucas to hide her power a bit.
So, unless Nothingsp has any kind of input that would change our minds, I agree with you on this point. The Batman effect plot line is aborted. ;)