Jon's Mother watched helplessly as her son's form warped beyond recognition. She took a step unsteady on her deertaur legs, her expression cycled between shock, horror, and shameful arousal. She turned to her coyote changed husband and saw similar reactions as his canine ears nervously twitched.
Meanwhile Jon and his partner continued to change into increasingly animal forms. His face pushed out into a bovine muzzle as Holstein patterned fun crept upwards from his cow lower body. Curves become evident in the area were his human half met his bovine half, and growing mammaries began to extend from his (her) chest. Jon's newly formed breasts bounced and jiggled uninhibited as they swelled to a massive G cup size, 6-inch engorged teats pointing strait outwards. Jon's voice changed in pitch as her mooo's of pleasure echoed throughout the room. Jon's partner bellowed in pleasure and dominance as he exploded within her. No longer female from the waist up Jon's paramour had a hulking masculine form one would expect from a Minotaur. Jon's upper torso had finished contorting to become the female match of her partner's.
Basking in the glow of orgasm Jon found herself wrapped in the protective embrace of her mate. As she snuggled further into his powerful arms, Jon began to notice the changes that she and her mate had undergone. The muzzle intruding into her field of view, the unfamiliar weight and pressure from her milk-filled chest, the fur covering her entire torso. She stared in shock as she held up a hand, now three-fingered with a big hoof like nail terminating on each. All the while she could see her mate making similar explorations of his chiseled form.
"Ahem" the sow-man grunted grabbing the attention of the bovine couple. The new bovinetaur couple (each standing over 8 feet in height with Jon being nearly a foot shorter) stared confusedly down at him. "Let's get you two down to the administration building and sort this out." He herded the pair towards the doorway (luckily built like the opening of a barn).
"Wait, Jon's mother shouted, her panic finally overpowering her shock. "Where are you taking my son!?" bounding over to the sawtaur as fast as her unsteady legs would take her. The porcine counselor turned towards her to explain, as sated earlier as a result of your son's baser desires we find ourselves in quite a mess." Jon blushed sheepfuly (not that it was visible beneath the fur) "Their genetic structures which were scrambled by our device, thus unstable and mutable, have settled into a bovinoid configuration due to the influx of hormones." After receiving blank stares, he continued waving his arms to emphasize," That is to say that their forms are unmutable, permanent."
A chill went down Jon's elongated spine as a cold sweat formed on her extremities. She glanced at her mate for support, then looked down in shame as the full impact of what she had done hit her.
"What can we do now?" Jon's mother asked oozing motherly concern, her half-canine husband holding her hand for support.
The sow-man sighed exasperatedly, "I'm afraid that's what we'll have to bring up with the director."
Consequences of a campground tryst
Episode last modified by Brayn on
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