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8. Follow Jon

7. Jon changes teams...

6. Zoe's a scorpion-girl...but wh

5. Not Just Centaurs

4. Retreating to Where? (5)

3. Family Retreat

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Retreat: The Milking Lounge

on 2010-04-15 08:19:28

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"Here we are," the bat-centaur girl said, as she led Jon into the milking lounge.

"It looks nice," Jon noted. His feet thudded against plush carpet as he crossed the vacant room. There were several comfy-looking leather sofas, although Jon couldn't make use of them himself. By Samantha's direction, Jon aligned himself next to one of the larger milking machines.

"Okay," Jon swallowed in trepidation. "What now?"

"Sorry, but you have to face away for much of this," Samantha said. "I'll talk you through the milking machine, but once I get under your udders you won't be able to watch what I'm doing."

Samantha went on to explain the working of the machine that stood next to Jon's bulky side. There were six large nozzles which she assured him were the right size for his cow-nipples and didn't hurt at all, honestly. After attaching them, it was simply a matter of turning the machine on and waiting for it to finish.

"How long does it take?" asked Jon.

"Honestly, it depends on how full you are," answered Samantha. "This being your first time, it could between thirty minutes and an hour."

Jon yelped as he felt Samantha's cool hand push into the hot flesh of his udder. She giggled.

"Sensitive, isn't it? I was a cow once, I know how I feels when it gets tight down there. You'll probably be on the machine for thirty, forty minutes this time. You'll be on about the same if you come back about three or four times a day. You might want to come back more often to spend less time per visit "“ and of course for your comfort "“ but that's up to you. Whatever you choose to do, you'll need someone else to help you with this next part..."

One by one, Jon felt his cow teats for the first time as Samantha's soft but cold hands massaged them. In every case this bizarre but pleasant sensation was replaced by a strong, unrelenting pinch as a nozzle was attached to his swollen nipple. This stopped after the fourth time and Jon realised that was all he had back there "“ for some reason he'd thought cows had more than that.

"All set!" the girl reappeared by the machine. "Before I begin, I should warn you that... well..."

"You said this wasn't going to hurt," Jon frowned.

"Oh it doesn't!" Samantha waved her hands in disagreement. "It really doesn't."

"Then... what?"

"Well, it can get you a bit, y'know, excited.... We've found that getting milked can stimulate the mothering instincts in some women "“ but since you're a guy and have none, you'll probably just get horny."


"Sorry, but that's nature for you," Samantha shrugged and flipped the switch.

Immediately, Jon felt the pressure on his four teats increase. The nozzles worked simultaneously and in spurts. With each suck from the nozzles, a large squirt of milk left each of his nipples. For the first time Jon could feel the distinct sensations caused by the milk inside his udder. Once it left that heavy blob of flesh and began to travel the length of those long, sensitive teats, Jon's mind briefly registered it as liquid before if left his body altogether.

Each tug on his nipples did not remove enough fluid to noticeably reduce the swelling of his udder, but after a while and several tugs later, Jon started to feel the difference it made to the bloated feeling of his mammaries.

"This isn't not so bad," Jon smiled.

"You've only been there a couple of minutes," noted Samantha.

"So when were you a cow?" asked Jon.

"Oh, last year," she replied. "Part of working here means we get put on a transformation rota. During the off-peak season we spend two weeks out of four as a centaur or some kind, then during the peak season that goes up to four out of four. We're constantly collecting new data for the benefits of science, and our own services of course. For example, I'm better qualified to know what you as a cow would feel comfortable through our research and my own personal experience. And everything you experience as a cow gets incorporated into our research too."

"Really? What can I do?"

"See your milk collecting in this jar?"

Jon nodded.

"Sadly it's not cleared for human consumption, but it'll be taken to our labs where they can use it to find out more about, for example, cross-species hormones, cross-gender hormones and of course, cows!"


"The most directly applicable results of our research are in animal welfare. We learn how to treat animals better because we get first hand experience of what it's like to be them."

"That's cool," Jon nodded. After a while, he asked, "How long have you been a bat?"

"A fruit bat. Nearly a month," Samantha replied. "In a couple of days I'll be something else entirely. Hopefully a carnivore "“ I'm so sick of fruit!"

"Won't you miss flying?"

"I can't fly. Humans are too big, no matter if they have the back end of a bat, or a bird or a bug. When blown up to our size, those carefully balanced aerodynamics don't work so well. As in, at all."

"Oh. That sucks."

"Tell me about it. I can't even sleep upside down."

"So am I going to be eating nothing but grass from now on?"

"Well, not just grass," Samantha grinned, "but you will have a vegetarian diet, for sure. Once we're done here, I'll take you to the Mammal Orientation seminar. You'll have your questions answered there."

Fifteen minutes had passed when Samantha noticed Jon was fidgeting.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"Really weird," Jon replied. "I feel hot. And my... er, my butt feels weird like, itchy?"

"Tingly? And a little wet?"

Jon nodded.

"Sounds like you're getting into it," Samantha winked, and to his horror Jon immediately knew what she meant. Jon was getting horny as hell, and his animal pussy was responding!

But it would be another ten minutes before the milking machine was finished with Jon. The collection jar was half full of milk, several litres had been pumped from his mammaries. As Samantha detached the nozzles Jon felt how much his udder had shrunk, and while it was no longer sore to the touch, it was still sensitive enough that her cool hands sent shivers up to his throbbing snatch.

"My, you've got quite a buzz on," teased Samantha.

"Thanks," Jon replied sarcastically. His face was red and his brow shined with sweat.

"I'm sorry," she apologised. "I bet this is all confusing for you. Hang on."

Samantha's bat body lumbered out of sight and returned shortly. She was holding a plastic tub of water in her hands.

"Unfortunately we've yet to invent the cow vibrator," she smirked, "but this should cool you off, for now."

Jon felt splashes of cold water splash along his furred flanks. It was uncomfortable, but the sensation took the edge off his intense arousal. A final splash of water was tossed directly up his rear and Jon yelped as he felt the cool liquid relieve his hot pussy.

"Feeling better?" inquired Samantha. "I know a cold shower did wonders for me after a milking."

"Actually, I do," Jon replied. "Three times a day, huh?"

"I'd recommend at least four," she grinned, "unless you want your udder dragging along the ground! Don't forget the fact that the more often you get milked, the less time it takes each time too."

"Great! Can I go again?"

Samantha laughed. "I don't think that'll help you now," she said. "Besides, I'd better get you to Mammal Orientation. Are you good to move, or do you need to cool down more?"

"Nope, I'm fine now."

"Okay then, follow me."

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