The secretary's story nagged at Jon; it was illegal, she thought, to hire only women, or only anything really, thanks to affirmative action laws. There was also only one high school in town, and as small as the town was, someone moving in wouldn't be unknown. So she had to be someone from his high school, she thought, someone who had been missing for a while. Only one person came to mind.
She rushed back inside, paying little heed to her breasts bouncing uncomfortably. She stared at the girl, trying to recognize mannerisms; she'd always been good at that. The secretary blushed and looked back at her, opening and closing her mouth as if unsure what to say, finally settling on "Can I help you?"
She smiled despite herself. "I dunno... can you, Biff?" Her smile widened at the expression of pure shock on the Asian girl's face.