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10. Karyn ducks too late

9. Jon Confronts the Sontarans

8. The Sontarans

7. The Incident at the Food Court

6. Jon Reveals His Wish

5. In the Car

4. The First Difference

3. Jon Wants A Doctor


1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn isn’t fast enough

on 2021-02-04 09:10:49

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Karyn was fast, but not fast enough.

For the second time that afternoon, a young girl crumpled to the floor never to get up. Jon could only scream and thrash hopelessly in the iron grip of the Sontaran troopers as they marched him out of sight. The rest of the captive crowd cowered. Some screamed, many cried, but most had lost any fight they’d had in them by now.

Behind their expressionless helmets, the Sontaran troopers sneered at the pathetic sight as they filed out of the mall. There had been no honor in this conquest.

A short while later the Sontaran ship, which was latched to the roof like a metallic parasite, sped off through the atmosphere, watched by thousands of stunned onlookers whose concept of the universe would never again be the same.

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