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7. Very Sweet Relief

6. Convincing Karyn

5. The Boob-Centric Circle of Lif

4. a breast?

3. scrambled? weird?

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Very Sweet Relief

on 2013-10-25 17:31:13

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Jon felt the building pressure in his groin boob. He would have to figure this all out, but first he had to umm, go, or, whatever it was he did out of his breast.

Inside the bathroom Jon found the regular toilet was same as always, but now next to it was what looked like a urinal. The urinal must be for men to milk themselves into. Jon figured if a man was sitting on the toilet his breast would just hang over the side or stick out. There was no comfortable way to point the nipple on his crotch breast downwards.

Jon took off his pants and underwear and pointed his breast at the "urinal" or maybe it was a milkinal? Jon relaxed his normal pee muscles to relieve himself, but nothing happened except a small dribble of milk came out of his nipple. Hmm Jon thought, it would take a month to empty his breast at this rate. Jon then reached down and tugged on his very sensitive female nipple. A stream of creamy white milk shot out of his nipple and into the urinal. A tiny bit of relief was felt in the pressure. With no choice but to continue, Jon continued to tug on his crotch "teat" as though he were milking a cow or something.

As he pulled on the tissue surrounding his feminine nipple and sprayed his milk into the bowl, Jon was starting to feel a tingle of pleasure coming from his breast. Female nipples were very sensitive after all, and he now had a female nipple on his crotch tit. The pleasure was building as his milk drained from him and if Jon still had a penis he would probably have a hard on right now.

Jon wondered how men even could have an orgasm with just a breast for a reproductive organ. While the tweaking of his nipple and the sensation of his milk flowing was no doubt...pleasurable...Jon wondered what it took to get "over the edge", if that was even possible for men anymore.

When he finally emptied his breast of milk Jon flushed the "milkinal" and washed his hands. He then just stared at the reflection in the mirror of him with a female breast in his groin. He couldn't get over the large feminine nipple on his breast. It was so..FEMALE! The whole thing looked very surreal on his otherwise masculine body, especially without any hair on it.

This didn't make any sense. This couldn't all just be a case of false memories, could it? Jon had clear memories of a party he had thrown just a week ago. Guys and girls from his class were having a great time and...doing what teenagers tend to do. Jon clearly remembers seeing obvious bulges in guys shorts as they made out with women and they were NOT the bulges of breasts.

Jon then had another idea. His grandpa said the stone's range was only a few miles, so only the people within a few miles were changed! If he went on the internet he could find billions of webpages showing normal human genitals!

Jon pulled out his smartphone and started Boogling. But, it didn't take him long to realize the whole world really was this way, and seemingly always had been. Even almost all mammals did it this way too.

After finding there were still plenty pictures of naked women on the internet, Jon could see the women were totally unaltered, as least visibly on the outside. A vagina looked the same as it had always been. The only odd thing is that there didn't really seem to be the word "vagina" anymore.

Jon guessed now that guys didn't have sex with vaginas, when guys named things eons ago they weren't terribly interested in what to call the hole in women where babies came out of. Vaginas were just called birth passages or some variant of that.

As he dug deeper he also found out that the pictures of naked women were mostly for lesbians. Guys in this universe were far far more interested in the MOUTHS of women now.

With it apparently true that the whole world was like this, Jon then started wondering why he had just milked himself. Why didn't he pee anymore like women still do?

On WebMed he reconfirmed that human males did not urinate in any way, only females do. The male internal organs process waste differently than females. Scientists believed this difference in organ structure has to do with women needing some internal process to pass nutrients to a baby, or something, it was technobabble to Jon. Anyway he saw all waste in men filtered from the bloodstream is mixed with the solid food waste in the intestine and expelled through the anus when a guy poops.

Excess water in men though is expelled by the constant lactation of male mammary glands. Males must milk themselves at least twice each day to relieve the buildup of milk their breast tissue.

As far as reproduction, Karyn was right. When men were aroused, ducts in their breasts release sperm into their milk. This slightly salty milk/sperm mixture is called semen. Women desiring impregnation drink the "semen" from a man's breast. The sperm then go into the female's stomach and then onward into her uterus via the inter-uterine barrier. This was a strange "new" organ attached to female stomachs. Looking at all these medical diagrams showed Jon men and women were now vastly different on the inside even though the breasts of both men and women had the same appearance outwardly. Women just had two of them and they were on their chests. And of course they didn't secrete sperm.

Jon just put his phone down in frustration. He had had enough. He was tired of trying to figure it out. What's done is done. If the stone couldn't affect the whole world then it really had just messed up his memories. Unless it simply transported HIM to a world where this stuff was already true? If either of those things were true though, then he COULDN'T wish for a penis because in this reality there was no such thing! Like Karyn said if he tried to word a wish and tried to describe how a penis was or something things could get really mucked up, and fast.

Jon realized Karyn must be wondering what was taking him so long, and quickly put his breast into his underwear and then his pants back on before going back out to see his friend.

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