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24. An Older Gentleman

23. Brenden needs a carriage of hi

22. Brenden and Eleanor Leave

21. social situation.

20. The Conversation

19. back in the shop...

18. Sitting Down

17. Brendon joins up.

16. Learning Something New

15. Brendon needs to make a pit st

14. Arriving

13. Brendon agrees

12. The Woman Offers to Help

11. answers on both ends.

10. Leaving

9. Brandon finds a building and h

8. Back to Brandon

7. the shopkeeper explains... or

6. A Parasol

5. A Boy and His Mother

Parasol: An Older Gentleman

on 2012-08-03 20:54:00

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As Brendien was looking about the carriage, he noticed it was already occupied by a distinguished older man in his early fifties dressed in a fine suit wearing a top hat and a cane. "Might I ask about what this intrusion is all about?" he asks.

Brendien looks at this man with a confused expression on his face. "Intrusion? This is my carriage." he says as he looks at the man.

The man is about to tell Brendien to get lost but something is telling him that he should let this young man on. "Fine, come in then." he says as Brendien hops in and takes a seat across from him. "I did not happen to catch your name." he says.

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