Unfortunately, Mary selected the floor just below the one in which Bady Daga was currently situated. However, the walls in these elevators are constructed from glass, and the strange individual occupying the adjacent elevator, accompanied by a rather large entourage, catches Mary's eye as it passes by...
As the elevator continues its descent, Bady Daga finds himself giddy with excitement, and is ecstatic at the fact that his lifelong ambition to be a music star is finally being fulfilled. Until a few moments ago, the former boy had never considered a career in the music industry, however.
Tossing his long blonde ringlets out of his eyes, Bady Daga addresses one of the other occupants of the elevator.
"How does my outfit look?" he asks with a smile, whilst cocking his broad, curved hips and placing a gloved hand on each one.
"You look fantastic," the man replies. "In actuality, I think these clothes might be suitable for your performance tonight."
Bady Daga grins. He is comfortable with his status as a sensual, sexual person, and enjoys showcasing it as a part of his act.
The former child, gradually transforming into an adult woman, continues to alter further as his age increases to twenty. The elevator finally reaches its destination, and Bady Daga disembarks.