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8. Riding the bus

7. Venus (Whole package) for Jon,

6. Flip with Karyn

5. The coins of Janus

4. Jon wakes up missing something

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Janus: Riding the bus

on 2021-01-05 20:52:17

2081 hits, 162 views, 3 upvotes.

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As the bus pulled up, Jon could already feel the stares on her new body.

"Ladies first" teased Karyn.

Jon found it slightly awkward to move with her new center of gravity and wedge heels but she managed with small assistance from Karyn as she stumbled.

Jon blushed as she was met with a bus full of gawking teenagers. The majority seemed fairly androgenous like she was this morning. She spotted a few male and female traits on a few people, one had both. She wanted to back up and run but she just ended up bumping her behind into Karyn's crotch. Jon's eyes widened as she felt Karyn's cock press into her behind.
"Sorry" she muttered to Karyn and she rushed to some empty seats at the back.
"It's ok" Karyn's dick hardened as he had found Jon's body closer to his quite pleasurable.

Karyn and Jon sat in awkward silence. The rumbling of the bus jiggled Jon's breasts and encouraging Karyn's growing penis which was noticed by Jon till he covered it with his book bag.
The awkwardness was broken by the 2 in front of them turning back.
"Wow, nice body Jon" one complimented.
"Yeah I really like your hair" the second gushed.

"Uh... thanks it wasn't really up to me" Jon replied.

"Ugh, some people are soo lucky" "isn't Jon so pretty now Karyn?" They inquired

"Err... yeah, I think so" Karyn admitted.

"Karyn.. I.." But Jon was cut off by their arrival at school.

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