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11. Heading to the mall

10. Mom and dad

9. Waking up to a new Jon

8. The countdown begins

7. Jon tells the family his idea

6. Back in Jon's room

5. What Linda thinks

4. Jon has an idea for his New Ye

3. The wish is granted but not ri

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Resolutions: Great Minds Think Alike

avatar on 2021-01-04 12:27:15

1668 hits, 144 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jonchelle was surprised when the car made its way to Ridgefield Mall and the parking lot was rather full. At first, she wrote it off as people wanting to shop on New Year's Day, but once her family made their way inside, it was clear something extraordinary was well and truly underway.

The clothing stores, in particular, were full of people. There were some folks exchanging the clothes on their back with each other. And it seemed like the whole town of Lake Point was doing the same thing that Jonchelle's family had decided on.

"Oh my God…" Jonchelle couldn't believe her eyes. Yeah, she'd wished that the stores would be ready for this, but she hadn't anticipated that nearly the entire town would be in on it. She was glad that she had brought the stone with her, because she realized that everyone would need money to buy their new clothes.

“I wish that anyone taking part in this resolution would have the money to afford everything they needed,” she whispered as she clutched the stone in her pocket.

Linda, the one who normally organized their shopping trips, barely had any time to get a word out before Roger had dashed off, leaving them with no clue as to where he was going. She glanced at Jonchelle, who shrugged her shoulders.

“Meet back at the food court in a couple of hours?” she suggested. That seemed like a good idea, and everyone nodded in agreement. Mikey went off with Linda while Zachary and Jonchelle went their own ways.

Jonchelle, not really knowing where to start, stood there for a moment watching everybody else until someone bumped into her.

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