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17. Five Boys, Five Girls

16. Time to Choose the New Footbal

15. Got the Cheerleaders, Now They

14. The assembly ends

13. Jay and Jon are converted

12. Randy's conversion

11. Trevor's conversion

10. Derek's conversion

9. Nadine's conversion

8. Adjustments to be made

7. And the winners are...

6. The choosing process begins

5. Cheerleader Tryout (3)

4. After School Activities

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

After School Activities: Very Unlikely Football Players

avatar on 2014-05-10 04:08:18

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"The first pick is ..." Biff started. "Tim Brant." Tim was one of Jon's friends, but he didn't know anything about the stone.

Everyone turned and looked at Tim. He was an average-looking guy, not out-of-shape, but also not someone that would be picked to play football.

"You must have made a mistake. I can't ..." he began, but got shushed by Mr. Blankman.

"Next is ..." Biff said, pulling another name out of the bin. "Leonard Drullers."

Everyone turned and looked at the overweight nerd. Someone bursted out laughing. "Are you fuckin' kidding me? That dough ball can't even walk, let alone play football!" a guy yelled out.

"Can we have silence?" Mr. Blankman said to the student, glaring at him.

"Next is ... Paul Anderson."

"No, that can't be," the Baptist boy protested. "I don't want ..."

"You have no choice," the coach said.

"Hold on a moment," Tim said. "I thought you said no one would force us to join the team. And ..." He looked first at Leonard and then at Paul, who was about as average-looking as himself. "How exactly are we the best choices for the team? I mean, look at us."

"Just wait until all the names have been picked, Mr. Brant," the coach said. "Then you'll get your answer." He paused, then turned to Biff. "Please continue."

Biff nodded, then grabbed another name from the bin. "Next is ... Amber Levine."

Amber nearly choked on her chewing gum. Being a bimbo, she could sometimes be a bit spacey, but it sounded like her name was chosen. "Did you say ... me?"

"That's right," the coach said.

"But ... I'm, like, a girl."

"Next," Mr. Blankman told Biff, who then brought out another name.

"Sabrina Johnson," Biff read off of the piece of paper.

"What the fuck?" spat out the punk goth girl with the tattoos, piercings, and pink-dyed hair. "No fucking way am I gonna be a football player. I don't even like sports."

"Please continue," the coach told Biff, who nodded and brought out another name.

One by one, five more names were selected, rounding out the team at eleven players (including Biff). And one by one, each new player protested, saying they didn't want anything to do with being on a football team, let alone being on any sports team at all.

The last person to be picked, Tiffany Sanders (the school slut), looked around at all the other "new" football players with disbelief. Tim Brant, Leonard Drullers, Paul Anderson, Amber Levine, Sabrina Johnson, Yuki Meshida, Kyla Leeson, Zach Jones, Jacob Miller, and herself. How were these people going to be better than the people who were already on the team? And why exactly was almost the entire original team dismissed?

"Everyone but those who were selected are free to leave now. The rest of you, please come here," Mr. Blankman said. People started funneling out of the weight room, leaving the "candidates" behind, who then gathered close to the coach.

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