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13. Magic Costume Shop: Caught Off

12. magic costumes

11. The Dining Room

10. To the castle

9. Finding Shelter

8. the princess changes continue

7. Belle

6. Disney Princess

5. A Boy and His Mother

4. Costume Shop

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic Costume Shop: Caught Off Guard

on 2011-07-10 15:46:34

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However, just as Brandon is about to leave the dining room to go somewhere else to explore, he hears a rustling coming from around him which startles him. "Who's there?" he asks as his voice jumps up a little higher in pitch as it matures as well.

The rustling continues as he looks all around him wondering just what is making all that noise and imagine his surprise when he sees a bunch of kitchen supplies like cups, pots, saucers, as well as a clock suddenly spring to life and stand in front of him.

He doesn't know what to say about this as he looks at them with shock and fear. "Just what is going on here?" he asks.

Mary too is wondering just what's going on. "Looks like he's at the part where he meets all the castle denizens. When does he meet the Beast?" she asks.

The shopkeeper shrugs his shoulders. "It happens when it happens." he says.

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