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8. the princess changes continue

7. Belle

6. Disney Princess

5. A Boy and His Mother

4. Costume Shop

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

costume changes and a frantic mother

on 2011-07-03 12:13:01

1631 hits, 145 views, 0 upvotes.

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Brandon looks around himself, afraid since his surroundings is definately not the costume store. "Where am I?" he wonders, as he looks around his surroundings, but all he can see is trees. He decides to wander around to see if anyone is around to offer help. Ignoring the glove on his arm, he begins to push his way through the trees

In the costume store, his mother is frantic. "Where is he? WHy is he in a cartoon? What have you done to my son?" she screams, seizing the unfortunate store owner, and pinning him against a wall.

"I don't know, but these costumes have some sort of curse on them, and before you ask, yess I am forced to sell them. It sends a wearer into the world that the costume is from" the man says helplessly.

"Well get him back then" Brandon's mother says through gritted teeth.

"That is dependant on your son. Watch"

Both turn back to the screen, where they see Brandon work his way through the dense forest. Instinctively, he moves his gloved hand over to his over arm, which is scratched. He watches as a second glove begins to form on his other arm

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