And back on Angel Island with Brandon and Knuckles, the two of them were continuing to find a way for Brandon to get home but his idea of home was slowly changing the longer that he was there with Knuckles. "So where are you from exactly?" he asks.
As Brandon and Knuckles continued walking, Brandon tried to remember just where exactly it was but it was becoming more blurry to him. "Some place in a country called the United States." he replies as they come to a break in the forest.
Knuckles smiles as he knows they're not far now. "We're getting close to the temple where the Master Emerald rests which I guard. Maybe there's something we can do with it that can help you get back." he suggests.
When Knuckles mentioned the Master Emerald, it struck something inside Brandon, almost like desire. He pondered on this as they got closer towards the temple.