A moment later, all the lights in the room turned on. And the four guys looked at each other. They were no longer gagged or tied up. They were free.
But there was something different, something not quite right. And a moment later, they would realize what it was.
"I'm glad I got out of those fucking ropes, but where the fuck did that old guy go?" Trevor asked.
"I don't know. But, man, he was creepy," Jon said.
"Hey, do you hear voices?" Jay asked.
"They're coming from out in the hall," Biff said.
All four guys stood and watched as the door to the room opened and Sarah McMillan walked in. "There's no one down here," she said, even though she was looking directly at all four of the guys. "What the hell was that guy talking about?" she asked, turning around and leaving the room.
"Hey! I'm here, you fucking bitch!" Trevor yelled. He stepped towards her, grabbing her arm. But instead of touching her, his hand went straight through her. "What the fuck?" he said, as he felt his hand and then his entire body get pulled towards her. And in a matter of seconds, his body disappeared into Sarah's body.
"Sarah? Are you okay?" one of the girls out in the hall asked.
Sarah looked down at herself in shock. "What the fuck?" she said.
Biff looked on with wide eyes. "That freak has my girlfriend's body," he said to Jon and Jay.
"I'm no freak," Sarah said, turning and glaring at Biff.
"Sarah, who are you talking to?" one of the girls asked. "There's no one there."
"We're ghosts," Jon said, finally. "Real ghosts."