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12. Truth is divine

11. Things are not quite what they

10. DNA Recoder: Settling in

9. DNA Recoder: Heading home(?)

8. DNA Recoder: Tiffany Sanders

7. Jon chooses one of the flasks

6. Jon Picks The First Test

5. Science Experiment

4. Jon Gibson, Please Report to R

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Children of the gods

on 2016-08-15 20:23:38

2178 hits, 137 views, 2 upvotes.

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Author's note: I'm planning on a few different variations on this but if anyone else has some cool ideas please go for it. Just to make it clear I have no interest in writing stories about cruelty or abusive relationships, I am not interested in bondage, humiliation or any of that stuff so what I will be writing are fun, stories of love and adventure - hopefully they aren't too boring, I will accept constructive criticism if anyone is willing to give it
Great Sage

"The Truth is that there are some people in this town that are the children of gods, in our case the goddesses Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hera, Nike and Themis."

Jenni stared at Tiffany in shock.

" Are you serious? So, what are you - the daughter of Aphrodite?"
Even as she said it she noted the library of great works of literature on diverse subjects in the fields of Art, literature and Social sciences, somehow Jenni knew the answer
"No, Your descended from Athena aren't you?"
Tiffany grinned and nodded her head, giving her almost twin a hug as she squealed with delight.
"Oh how clever! I would expect nothing less from you, considering who your mom is!"

Jenni was now completely confused and even though being hugged by Tiffany was definitely pleasant, making her feel both loved and connected to the lovely blonde, it nevertheless provided no answers.

"OK Tiff, pretend like I haven't a clue what you are talking about, maybe you had best start from the top - who are these goddesses now and who are their kids?"

"Well, it's a little complicated because we inherit traits from our divine mothers but also gain blessings from another goddess as a sort of Birth gift, in a way we have a God Mother and a mother who is a god - if you see what I mean? So, I'm the daughter of Athena, so I am super smart, deeply concerned with stuff to do with civilisation, learning and wisdom, but also strategy and tactics, because Athena is sort of a War Goddess too? But on top of being a total brain, Aphrodite also blessed me so I have stunning beauty and am super sexy too"
Jenni interrupted with a giggle and an expression of 'Well, Duh!'
"So your Hot and a genius? OK I get that, what about the others?"
" I was getting to that, Miss Impatient - OK, so I'm the daughter of Athena, blessed by Aphrodite, Karyn is the daughter of Artemis, blessed by Themis, Sarah is the daughter of Hera, blessed by my mom, Biff is the son of Nike, goddess of Victory, but he is also blessed by Artemis, Steve Farber is obviously the son of Aphrodite but he is also blessed by Nike so he wins at love all the time, but treats it like a game and you, most fortunate one are the child of Themis, goddess of Divine Justice and Social mores, you get to be the responsible one with good judgement and excellent manners, but you are also blessed by Hera. Of course, now you have my DNA you are also technically gifted with my attributes of Beauty and Wisdom so you really lucked out there"

Jenni just sat there, confused, overwhelmed and, scariest of all, she believed Tiff, every word, it was like she could see into the heart of the statement and draw forth the deeper truths within the words, she KNEW Tiffany was telling the truth, then she remembered something from a game she's played.

" Oh shit! Does that mean I'm Nemesis?"

" No silly, That's going to be your sister Zoe, she was Blessed by Artemis when she was born, so Judgement and The Huntress - sounds like the Instrument of Divine Retribution to me!"

" So my Goth sister, the girl that's angry at the world is going to become some sort of avatar of vengeance? Oh God! Can this get any worse?"

" I think that Zoe will surprise you, She's a smart kid and when she gets a bit older and inherits her gifts fully she will become someone amazing, your mother is sure of it and SHE was the first Oracle so she should know. More to the point, there is you, now with the potential of inheriting the gifts of FOUR goddesses, Judgement, Wisdom, Love and The Queen of the gods - if you decide to stay as you are now that is, but I won't force you, I love you... like a sister and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you"

Jenni somehow felt that Tiffany was holding something back and she looked her straight in the eye.

" Tiff, what aren't you telling me? Come on, I promise I won't get mad, just tell me the truth, please?"

Tiffany blushed, then suddenly leaned forward and kissed Jenni on her lips, Jenni was surprised at first but found that she enjoyed it, however as fun and exciting as this was, an image of Karyn popped into her head and she suddenly KNEW that she was meant for Karyn, they were destined to be together. She leaned back and gave Tiff an awkward smile, Tiff looked confused and upset for a moment before it looked like she was hit with a flash of understanding

" Oh Jenni, I adore you, I liked you as a guy but I always knew that our elders planned that you and Karyn would be matched, Aphrodite herself declared it but I don't mind sharing you , as long as Karyn is cool with that?"

" Now Jon had carried a torch for Karyn since forever, but had lacked the courage to act on his feelings, but there was also a sense that Karyn wasn't in to him in that way either, now that she knew that Karyn had the traits of Artemis, virginal goddess of the hunt Jenni could understand why, it suddenly occurred to her that Karyn might like girls more, well, now that Jon was Jennifer, maybe there was a chance?

" There is something else", said Tiffany, " Something pretty important, you see, there's this prophecy, and it's starting to come true, all we need is for Biff and Steve to join our team - you know, Team Double X? When this happens there's supposed to be like this new Golden Age thing happening."

To be continued.......

Please take the time to check out the lore on these goddesses, it's fascinating :)

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