(Based on Anonymous51's episode.)
"What are you doing, Sarah?" asked Melony. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Sarah's mind suddenly snapped back into place. A slightly different place. She didn't have a clue why, but she suddenly felt like a stranger in her white skin. She hadn't physically changed. She was still her blue-eyed blonde self dressed in the cheerleader outfit ... but there was this discomfort that certainly wasn't there before.
Sarah blinked. "I'm ... sorry."
Melony had never heard Sarah speak with that tone of voice before. The apology was genuine, as was the tone of distress underlying it. "Are you okay?"
"I ..." Sarah couldn't stop studying Melony's beauty. Why couldn't she look like Melony? Why was she trapped in this Caucasian body, a shell that so many boys wanted? If only she could show them her real self. How would they react then?
Melony was no doctor, but the diagnosis was obvious. "You don't look well. Could I walk you home?"
"Y-yes." Sarah forced herself to conceal her enthusiasm. How could she explain her admiration for ... no, envy of ... Melony's features?