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3. Genres

2. If Everyone Were The Same ...

1. You Are What You Wish

Die Roll: Genres

avatar on 2020-11-15 17:45:17
Episode last modified by Tenkuu23 on 2020-11-15 17:46:36

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"OK, you'll have to explain this one Jon." Karyn said.

Turning the die over his hand, Jon smiled, grabbing a piece of paper. "I wanted one that would change the world around us, but not in ways like 'Now everyone's a girl' or 'Now everyone's a teenager'. Then I saw my movie posters." He said, gesturing to two small posters on the wall. One was for a classic jungle adventure, while the other was an old noir film. "They inspired me to make this die. Basically, when we roll it, the world around us will change to match the kind you'd see in that sort of movie."

He passed the die and paper to Karyn, who immediately started checking the sides.

Musical, Romance, Detective Noir, Sci-Fi, Classic Fantasy and Urban Fantasy.

"If you want to add to it, feel free. The die's enchanted to increase in size according to the number of results written on that paper." Jon grinned. If the number doesn't match up to a die shape or it gets too many to show clearly, it'll fill in the sides randomly when it's rolled.

"So if I add one on there to make seven, it'll choose six genres randomly while rolling and it'll fill the sides in?" Karyn asked, receiving a nod from Jon.

"For Musical, that speaks for itself. Given the right setup, a song and dance number will kick off, might be big, might be small. Anyone who gets caught up in a musical number gets all the needed skills to keep up with the rest of the crowd, so if we land that one, if we end up in a song and dance, we'll effectively go onto autopilot until the song's over. If we're required to sing, then the lyrics will come naturally as well." Jon explained.

"OK, so Romance?" Karyn asked.

"That one's a little unusual. If you roll that one, you become the central focus of the romance plot. Anyone that's present when the dice is rolled notices what's unusual, but they're essentially observers. If two people roll the die and both land Romance, then their stories run separately but can cross over." Jon explained. "Detective Noir speaks for itself, as does Sci-Fi."

"OK then, so why does Fantasy get split into Classic Fantasy and Urban Fantasy?" Karyn asked.

"Different tropes, mainly. Classic Fantasy would be like Lord of the Rings, your sword and sorcery tales. Urban Fantasy would introduce fantastic elements into a grounded, 'real' world. For example, an ancient order of monster hunters surviving into the modern day, protecting the people of the world from the various creatures of myth and horror, all without the general populace even knowing this was happening." Jon finished.

"That last one does sound interesting, but would we be involved in it?" Karyn asked.

"Depends on the Genre. Romance focuses the plot on the person rolling the die, the others would just happen to everyone naturally. I'd say it's a question of whether the plot would be character driven or could let the setting do a lot of the work as well." Jon replied. "So, wanna give it a roll?"

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