take out his cell phone wich he keeps in his under wear for just such an ocashion,What we all have some parinoid traits, and call Karyn.
He was momentarily afraid that the area was one without any reception, and was relieved when the phone found the signal and Karyn's phone rang.
"Hello?" said Karyn's voice on the other end.
"Hi, it's Jon. I seem to be lost... very lost. Do you know if I still have the stone at home? Maybe you can wish yourself to have an airplane or something and home in on me."
"Jon? Who's that?" replied Karyn. "This is my friend Joan's number, is this her phone?"
Jon sighed. "Never mind," he said, and hung up.
He looked around at the crossroads, and at the ground, trying to see the ground change in front of him instead of just looking away from dirt and looking back to see it become gravel.
And it did. The gravel changed, subtly. All of a sudden the gravel itself stayed about the same, but each pebble had moved or changed. It was as if the same gravel had been poured on the ground a second time and all the pebbles had ended up in a slightly different place.
Jon sat down and watched the ground. In a few minutes the gravel changed again. The change after that took longer. He could tell that the changes were slowing down, and that they were getting smaller and smaller... with the last change only a couple of pebbles had moved around.