They found him in the back yard, leaning over something below the corn stalks.
"Jon? What are you doing?" Karyn asked.
"Just trying to find it," he said.
"Find what?"
"It doesn't matter. It's gone."
"Listen, Jon. We've got a problem."
Jon turned around and saw Sarah. "What are you wearing?"
"That's the problem. Somehow Zoe merged with Sarah," Karyn explained.
"That's it! That's what we need to do."
"What are you talking about?"
"Karyn, stand still."
"Jon? What are you doing?"
Jon walked up from behind Karyn and walked through her, but didn't keep going. He stood exactly where Karyn was standing, until he was gone.
Karyn turned and looked at Zoe/Sarah. "Did it work?"
"What are you talking about?" she replied.
She looked down at herself and saw her clothes change into what Jon had been wearing. The jeans that he had been wearing were too tight for him, but now they felt fine, because they were made to be worn by a girl.
"I guess it did work," Jon/Karyn said.
Zoe/Sarah didn't know what was going on, but she had a thought. "Jon?"
"That's right. It's me, Jon. I'm in Karyn's body. Just like you're in Sarah's body."
"Okay, then. Now what?" Zoe/Sarah asked.