"Hello?" A strange girl's voice answered the phone. Strange, yet somehow familiar.
"Hello... Joan? You don't sound that much like me... look, this is hard to explain, so could you just wish you knew who I was? On your wishing stone?"
"How do you know about..." said the voice, but Jon could then hear her making the wish, and then making another one. "I wish Jon was here."
The wheat vanished. He could faintly smell perfume, and when he looked around he could see that he was in a girl's bedroom. Sitting a few feet away was a cute girl his own age, wearing jeans and a slightly smaller version of his old souvenir T-shirt from Disney World.
"Wow," she said. "You look just like me. Let me see if I can help you, okay? I wish Jon was at his own home until he wants to come back."
Nothing happened.
"I wish I knew why that didn't work.... uh-oh!"
"Joan? What's wrong?"
"The stone not only has a limited range in miles, it has a limited range in the fifth dimension. You can't get home with it...."