Jon had watched enough sci-fi on TV to have an idea of what a parallel universe is. So it wasn't surprising that he decided that that's probably what happened to him.
"Could I really be moving through another dimension? To an alternate universe? That explains everything. I started moving when I was asleep, and I woke up in another universe which had a dirt road and a farmer nearby. I was still moving, and moved into a universe with a gravel road and no farmer, so it looked like the farmer vanished and the road changed."
Jon wondered if the "Place" was limited to the farmer's universe, or if there was one where he was too.
"Then I moved into a universe where the gravel is a little different and the person who owns this phone is a girl named Joan. And I've kept moving... but I'm slowing down because the changes are getting smaller."
He sat down amid the wheat stalks, waiting for the next change. He wouldn't have even noticed it if a single plant hadn't disappeared. Waiting some more, he finally decided that he had stopped moving through the dimensions.
Which left him with a big problem. He needed to know what had moved him, but more importantly, he needed to get home! The people on "Sliders" never could get home, but Jon should be able... if, that is, he found the stone. Or the version of the stone in this reality. One wish would be all it would take to get back. But where could he possibly find the stone in this reality?