Karyn looked at her arm and read the word drunk. She had never been drunk before so she was a bit nervous on what was going to happen. Suddenly, she got a bit warmer. She let out a little giggle.
"Jon, I hope I don't get out of control" Karyn said with a strange look on her face. "Whoo, The room is moving a bit and I'm stharting to feel pretty good...." Her voice quietly trailed off as she starting moving around trying to get her body to capture her new feeling.
"Who knew being drunk would make you feel so warm. You better helph me take off my shirth so I'ze can cool up" Karen tossed her arm around Jon and leaned heavily into him.
Jon was getting completely aroused with a drunk and horny Karyn draping herself over him just begging to be undressed. He was a bit worried that she being too drunk (or as per the word on her arm) would make her a bit unmanageable.
Still with the pen in his hand he started writing another word on her arm.
The word was...