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12. Mom interprets - change the re

11. Confusion after the date

10. The date

9. Getting ready

8. Shopping

7. After school

6. Mom "helps" out more

5. As the day went on Jon saw Kar

4. First Class is Gym

3. Jon came back for the stone.

2. Mom interprets the wishes

1. You Are What You Wish

Mom interprets - change the reason

on 2020-10-30 23:42:10

1628 hits, 140 views, 2 upvotes.

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She wasn't sure if she could change how she granted the wish, but for her son, she would try
"Granted, because his sexual desire manifests in a different way that other boys."
Jon felt his stone get warm. His penis and body went back to its normal size. He still had the school girl outfits, but no blond hair and shopping bags. His head hurt as the memory of the day took on two versions. There was the one when he turned into an 11 year version of himself, then got the blond hair and the date, but a new one was starting to form, and take dominance.
Instead of an erection, his nipples got very hard and a little puffy under his shirt. It was a little painful with his t-shirt. Thankfully, no one noticed. The rest of the day was benign, until the end when he met up with Karyn, who had a shirt with a slightly deeper cut to the top. Karyn said that her shirts were like this when she got home the night before. The discussion took a turn into uniform vs no uniform as the two were walking home. As a trial, they agreed that there should be uniforms for 1 week to see if that changed anything. Jon wished for school uniforms, and the guys and the girls got uniforms that included, shirts, sweaters, pants and skirts, no matter if they were a boy or girl.
Well, at least he didn't have an erection in gym class.

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