Rather than 'sitting' around and wait, Jon decided to take matters into his own 'hands', or under his control, since he didn't have hands at the moment. From the back of his mind, he wished that the woman he was attached to would be able to hold her contents in so that she wouldn't feel the need to go to the bathroom. Although there was no indication that the stone heard him, or that the wish was fulfilled, Jon could only hope that it would spare him some unpleasant experiences.
Fortunately, the next couple of hours were relatively uneventful, as Jon felt himself between being flimsy as the woman ambled about and being squished as the woman sat down. Unfortunately, it also meant that there wasn't much to do, as Jon could only accompany the woman as she went about her day. Peering through the small opening of her panties and hose, all Jon could see were carpeted floors and wooden desks, as he was clearly within office space. At some point, Jon wanted to scratch his 'opening', as it was itchy from the sweat and odor accumulated over time, but he had no means of doing so. "Yep, being an ass was not fun at all," Jon thought, "even if it belonged to a cute woman. No wonder it's considered one of the most useless parts of the body."
Well, useless technically wasn't the right term, as Jon felt a numbing kind of pressure coming from above and in front of him, the kind of pressure that felt like a sore pain after a long workout. Knowing what it entails, Jon was surprised that the woman made no attempt in relieving that pressure. In fact, she seemed to be doing just fine in her chair. That was when Jon thought, "Perhaps the wish worked, but it made it so that she wouldn't feel the need to go, so she wouldn't go." Of course, this wasn't what Jon really wanted, as he now had to shoulder this burden of being the ass-man.
The hours of feeling this numbing pressure was pure agony for Jon, as it felt like being stoned to death. With the amount of time passed, this was probably worse than any other punishment he had experienced. Still, the silver lining was that Jon could still wish even in this state, so in another hasty move, Jon wished that the pressure could be relieved without using him. Moments later, he felt himself being lifted from the seat, jiggling as the woman seemed to be sprinting somewhere. The sound was definitely muffled, but the woman seemed to be frantically searching for something. The rapid bouncing of the ass cheeks certainly took Jon's mind off his predicament, as the sight of seeing a woman's ass bouncing as she ran must be arousing, similar to her jog from before. But the palpitations was also nauseating to Jon, as he now had to deal with two discomforts. At last, the movement stopped, as Jon saw himself situated in the same lunch room as when he first found this woman. She seemed to be standing next to the kitchen counter.
Next thing he knew, Jon thought he heard vomiting sounds, as the woman started to heave contents from her body and out of her mouth. Just the sound of it would probably be enough for Jon to puke if he could, and Jon felt bad for this woman for putting through this, someone who Jon had actually never seen in person before. Plus, it didn't really help reduce the pressure above him. Jon guessed that one can't really expel food that had already been digested. Despite the stone's seemingly omnipotent abilities, it interestingly would like to keep the rules of the natural order intact as much as possible.
Pushing the puking sounds to the background, Jon decided to cast one final wish, one that would put him out of his misery. but also one that would not be made hastily. After some thought, he decided to...