"Well, there's someone that probably likes this weather," Kyla said.
Jon looked in the direction of her gaze and saw that Kyla was referring to a Goth girl standing further down the hall. It took him a moment to realize that it was Karyn. She was wearing a black leather corset, a ripped black skirt, and black knee-high boots with three-inch stacks. Her skin was pale and hair was dyed black. Even from a distance, Jon could see her black lipstick and spiked collar.
Well, she's not sick, Jon thought. That was a relief. Fortunately, physical ailments don't transfer from one reality to the next.
Jon watched as two other Goth girls approached her (Sabrina and Stephanie), as well as a Goth boy, who Jon thought was named Trevor Blake. But he wasn't sure. When they met up, they walked down the hall and turned the corner out of view.
"Let's get out of here before your sister shows up," Kyla suggested. "The last thing I want is to be hassled by that bitch."
"Uh, okay."