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6. karen come over

5. Karyn stops over

4. Checking out the effects?

3. Biff and Mom

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Pizza and agame

on 2009-03-03 04:57:17

1171 hits, 55 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon still rubbing his sore arm was beginning to wonder if wishing that his wish of trading biff and his mom's personality was such a good idea. He decided to go with it for now, he could use the stone to fix things later. Upon his mothers suggestion he ordered pizza for supper and couldn't wait to see how the rest of the family interacts with their new mom. Just then his mom came down after taking a quick shower. She was dress in blue jean , a tight t-shirt and school football jacket just like biff would where. " Hey, Jon did you order the pizza ?" Jon said ,"yes. " Good with that out of the way lets go watch espn see if there is any good games on right now." "Sure" Jon a greed it still was weird because his mom was not that into sports before the wish to be honest neither was he but he did like watch game know and then with dad it might be interesting to see what it is like with his mom.

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