Jon put the stone in his pocket and left his room to see the changes. He went to his parents' bedroom first, but the lights were out. No one was there.
Okay, I guess I'll check Mikey's room, he thought. Since he couldn't see how his dad had changed, he could still at least see how his little brother had changed. But when he got to Mikey's room, it was was also dark and empty, just like his parents' room.
"Where is everyone?"
He walked downstairs and saw that the TV was on in the living room. And squatting right in front of it was his dad, dressed in a Pokemon T-shirt and dirty jeans. He was watching one of the new cartoons that Mikey usually watched after he got home from school.
"Dad?" Jon asked.
He turned towards Jon. "Oh, hi Jon."
"What are you watching?"
"It's this really cool show. There's aliens and robots and stuff."
It was weird hearing his dad talk like his little brother and Jon wondered what had happened to Mikey.