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12. Jon and Sarah

11. Karyn has an idea

10. Jon Explains Everything and Ka

9. Karyn Stops By

8. Jon hangs back

7. Sitting down to dinner

6. Dad comes home

5. Zoe is downstairs

4. Jon checks out the effects of

3. Zoe and Mom

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Reversal: Jon And Sarah

avatar on 2017-03-23 21:08:11

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Jon looked up as Karyn came back in to his room and gave her a look of disgust. "Oh. It's, like, you." He said to Karyn.

Karyn was surprised. She hadn't expected this reaction from him but then again, she thought as she suppressed a giggle Jon was currently acting like Sarah.

Karyn giggled as she saw Jon sitting on his bed wearing a white tank top with a pink pleated skirt. His hair was now blonde and styled like Sarah's. He wore lots of jewellery on his arms and he wore pink sandals on his feet.

"What's so funny?" Jon asked crossly.

"Nothing." Karyn lied smirking. Jon's room was painted in pink. There was pink walls, his bedsheet was pink and even his carpet was a soft fluffy pink. Hanging on the walls were pictures of boy bands. To the side there was a vanity table which hadn't been there before.

Karyn was amazed at how much makeup was stacked on top of it. Karyn imagined that Jon had a fairly large shoe collection now as well.

"Ugh." Jon said sounding frustrated. "I don't even know why I let you in my room." He said.

"Um, because we're friends?" Karyn replied although seeing Jon act the way he was she wasn't sure how that was possible in this reality.

"Yeah right." Jon said rolling his eyes. "Now if you don't mind could you please leave?" He asked. "I've got, like, better things to do than hang around with you all day."

Karyn was hurt. She hadn't expected this sort of behaviour from him. She thought that they might still be friends. She sighed. "Fine. I'll leave." She said as she turned towards the door.

"Well, at least it's only for a week." Karyn thought to herself as she made her way out of the Gibson's house. "I wonder if that means that Sarah is my friend now?"

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