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9. Jon Slips Quietly Away

8. Karyn Tells Sarah the Truth

7. Karyn Wants the Stone

6. ...she'd realize just what she

5. Hanging out with Sarah

4. Changing friends

3. Karyn and Sarah

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Reversal: Jon Slips Quietly Away

avatar on 2010-09-20 15:18:48

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Sarah turned towards Jon. "Is this true?" But he wasn't there. While the two girls were in their heated argument, Jon used the opportunity to slip quietly away back to his bedroom. And once there, he grabbed the stone, intending on making a wish. His "experiment" might have to be ended early, but he clearly made a time limit as part of the wish, so maybe there was no way to do it.

As he stood there, trying to think of a wish, he heard someone banging on his locked bedroom door.

"Open up, you little dweeb!" Karyn yelled. "I know what you're up to!"

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