While your moral view-point is perhaps admirable, lets try to put this in perspective, shall we?
We're talking about a place in which the laws of nature, physics, and reality in general are more like friendly advice than actual rules. A story in which rape is one of the least of the characters' concerns. A story (And genre, in fact) in which taking someone's very identity away from them is common place by the simple expediency of transforming them against their will. This is usually done by another character who may or may not also override that character's freewill and very personality in the process.
And you're arguing about one person deciding what another should or shouldn't do with their own body? May I suggest that you refrain from reading any TF/TG fiction ever if this bothers you?
Oooooor...stand on your moral high-horse and add to the story line that bothers you, correcting this 'error' while furthing the plot in some meaningful way.