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7. Flower Delivery

6. Jon and Karyn get into the mix

5. Stopping To Smell The Flowers

4. Neighborhood Swap Meet

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Flower Delivery

on 2014-01-06 16:15:44

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As Jon continued jogging along he could feel his breasts jostle about within the confinements of his sports bra and spandex running top. Looking downward he saw his new breasts weren't overly huge, maybe a good C cup or a small D. It was hard to tell while they were compressed within the sports bra.

Jon came up to a busy street with a red traffic light and had to stop. That was good because he was feeling a bit winded. Jon felt like he had been running for miles. Well, his new body probably HAD been running for miles. As he panted and waited for the light to change he suddenly realized he didn't know where he was running to. Jon had been so distracted by his new female body that he never stopped to think where he was going, had had just kept jogging. But as Jon thought about it more he seemed to realize that he really did know where he was going. If he concentrated hard enough he could access this woman's memories. Well, he was living inside her body and thinking with HER brain, so that made sense he guessed. At least as much sense as him being inside the body of a woman with a flower for a reproductive organ anyway.

Jon knew his, well, her name was Caitlyn Hansen. She is 21 years old and is living in Green View Ridge Apartments with her boyfriend Matthew Johnson. She has an AAS degree in massage therapy and works as a masseuse at Morning Light Spa.

When the light finally turned green Jon jogged across the street and took a left on Hamilton. Just one more mile to go....

Karyn looked down at her plate and saw half eaten glazed donuts covered in KFC gravy. For some strange reason, it actually looked appealing...

While finishing eating the sweet salty mush, Karyn heard a loud thump thump noise outside. Looking out the kitchen window she saw gangsta granny slowly rolling down the street in her shitty car with the loud bass rattling it's windows and loose rusty side panels. Apparently she thought she was cool or something and that "hoes" would be flocking to check out her "ride".

Fai just shook his head at the racket and said, "That idiot thinks he's sooo bad-ass. He should go to a real ghetto and show them how "gangsta" he is. I'm sure they'd be real impressed. Ugh, he'll probably NEVER move out of his parent's basement either."

Karyn laughed out loud at her new husband's statement. But laughing while heavily pregnant is risky, and she felt a small bit of pee escape her stressed bladder being compressed by two large babies.

"Oh, excuse me for a bit, I have to go pee." Karyn said as she ran off to the bathroom.

Karyn made it to bathroom without any further leakage and shut the door behind her. She sat down on the toilet and was about to pee when she suddenly realized, she didn't have to sit! She stood up and looked down for her penis but found it was blocked by her enormous and hairy pregnant belly. She then reached under her distended abdomen and found her penis. She aimed it at the bowl as best she could and let loose. Her first bit missed, but she soon got her stream lined up with the toilet. Karyn's eyes were wide by how strange this all was. Just a couple days ago she was just a normal high school senior eager to graduate and head for college. Now she was a pregnant man in the role of a housewife holding her penis while she peed standing up! Jon's wishing stone sure did broaden horizons.

Jon finally arrived back at Caitlyn's apartment, he was sweaty, tired and only wanted to take a shower and crash on the couch. Fishing out Caitlyn's keys he let himself in to his new home for the next week. He was a little relieved to see her boyfriend was not at home, he just wanted to shower. Jon headed to the bathroom and shut the door. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw the face of a young, sweaty but still beautiful brown haired woman. Jon took off his sweat soaked spandex top and peeled off his sports bra to let his new breasts hang freely. He was pleased to see he had some very nice tits! He also had pretty big nipples, although they were a bit sore right now from rubbing around as he had been jogging.

Finally, the big moment. Jon carefully removed his running shorts and panties to reveal his bizarre genitalia. Jon just stared at the large purple tulip nestled between his legs. He could see that his petals were closed, and they looked frightfully delicate. Gently Jon reached down to touch the flower and he was a lttle startled when he felt his hand on his flower. FEELING through a flower was surreal. As Jon continued to touch his blossom though, he saw his petals actually begin to open up a little. Inside he could now see the little stems of his flower. What were those called he wondered, stamen or something?

Jon felt a spreading warmth in his flower as it continued to open up until he was soon in full bloom! It was so weird. He was turned on which had made his flower blossom which in turn made him even more aroused. Jon wanted to try "getting off" with his flower, but he could not get over how delicate it looked. He was actually a little afraid to touch it any further. With a little hesitation Jon lightly tugged on on if his petals and found it was actually rather durable. Pulling and rubbing on things down there with a bit more force Jon found that this flower in the role of female genitals was just as durable and stretchy as a woman's labia would normally be. As Jon rubbed the flower it began to grow very moist. Jon brought his hand up to his nose and smelled it and...woah. Jon remembered he needed to shower.

Karyn was watching a movie with her husband later that evening and she could not get over the sensations her two babies made as they kicked and seemingly jumped around inside of her. Fai must have seen her belly bounce with a particularly hard kick because he looked over at her belly and then looked up at his hairy man wife and smiled.

Karyn turned back to her smiling husband and asked him something she had wondered since she first saw Jennifer get swapped for Jeremy. In her manly voice she asked him, "Fai, honey? Do you still think I'm attractive?

Fai looked back at her and said, "Of course honey. You've always been beautiful to me, and you always will be."

"But, are you sure you wouldn't rather be with a woman who had breasts or wasn't as hairy as I am, or maybe even had a normal vagina?"

Fai just smiled and said with a surprisingly genuine tone, "No, your uniqueness is what attracted me to you in the first place. You're a very special woman Jenny, and I couldn't even imagine being with a boring normal woman once I had met you. I just know in my heart we were meant for each other."

Karyn had to let out an "aww" as she saw how much Fai truly did love his wife. Even if she was a hairy man.

"Just think honey", Fai said with some excitement, "In just three short weeks our beautiful baby girls will be joining our family."

Only three weeks? Karyn thought. That was awfully close, thank god she'd be out of this body before then.

As Jon exited the bathroom and headed to the bedroom he was startled by a voice saying "Mmm, lookin good babe". Jon turned around and saw it was Caitlyn's boyfriend Matthew. Matthew stepped right up to his naked girlfriend and cupped her breast and gave her a deep kiss. Jon was a little off-put at being kissed by a guy, but he felt his female body give in to the passionate kiss anyway.

As Matthew took Jon's hand and began to lead him into the bedroom, Jon realized he was about to get his wish to see how a flower vagina worked very soon.

Matthew used his considerable strength to pick Jon up and place him down rather forcefully on the bed. He then stood up and began to remove his clothing. Jon's mind was freaking out a bit, but he felt his womanly body involuntarily responding to the impeding mating it was about to receive. He could feel his flower begin to open up even wider than it had earlier.

When Matthew was down to just his boxer shorts he smiled at Jon's fully opened flower and said, "Oooh baby. I see you're ripe and ready. Your beautiful body always gets me so hot. Most girls can only be deflowered once. I'm so lucky I get to deflower you over and over again."

Jon almost had to laugh at Matthew's silly attempt at dirty talk, but kept his composure. He wanted to see Matthew try to "deflower" him as it were. Matthew removed his boxers and Jon was a little jealous that he was bigger than he was. Bigger than he was in his normal body that is. Jon had to make a mental note to use the stone to rectify that when he got his regular body back.

Matthew wasted no time and crawled into bed next to his girlfriend. Jon had expected him to crawl on top of him, but instead Matthew laid next to him and began to caress his breasts and gently kiss his neck. Jon wondered why he was doing that instead of getting to business and then he remembered that guys are supposed to do foreplay. Another mental note to keep in mind in the future.

Matthew took his time, and Jon felt his body enter a state of arousal he had never felt as a man. It was almost his whole body was becoming warm and limp, as though Matthew was going to take his whole body into his strong arms and have his way with it. Jon felt his soft feminine flesh yielding to Matthew. Then Jon felt Matthew's hand reach down and begin to softly caress his petals. The electric jolts of pleasure Jon's flower sent back through his mind and body were overwhelming. He could feel his petals growing damp from his own moisture.

After a few minutes of foreplay, Matthew sensed that his girlfriend was "ready." He climbed on top of Jon and placed his hard shaft against her flower. With a gentle thrust Jon saw and FELT his petals wrap around Matthew's penis and the back of his flower begin to sink into his body. Oh god, Jon didn't know if it was the feeling of sex as a woman or if it was the feeling of sex as a flower woman that felt so amazing, he just knew it felt AMAZING. He was soon moaning like a woman as he felt his moist flower petals gripping the hard shaft and also yield to Matthew's thrusts. Jon had four orgasms by the time Matthew came into his petals and soaked his delicate feminine flower with his hot seed.

Matthew rolled off of his girlfriend, sexually spent. Jon was coming down from a sexual high himself, and he could see his soft boobs heaving with his heavy breathing. As Jon lay panting on the bed in ecstasy, he wondered if Karyn was having as much fun.

Karyn awoke on day four of being a pregnant man to see she had slept in even later than usual. It was 10:19 AM! Well, no big deal she thought. Karyn had spent the last three days basically sitting in the house and watching daytime TV. She never knew there were so many Judge Judy rip-off shows. The only highlight of her otherwise boring week so far was when she had masturbated. She found that no matter how aroused she got, her penis never really got fully erect, and when she reached orgasm instead of ejaculating semen she squirted like a woman would. Jeremy's penis really was fulfilling the "role" of Jennifer Yi's vagina in as many ways as it could.

Karyn showered her hairy man body and put on a robe. As she was going downstairs though she had a sudden sharp pain and a large gush of water sprayed out from her penis. Oh fuck she thought I'M GOING INTO LABOR!!!! No! It was supposed to be three weeks away!

In a panic Karyn called both an ambulance and her husband Fai. She had what felt like a thousand contractions as she waited through the eternity it seemingly took the ambulance to arrive. The EMTs helped her into the ambulance and attended to her as she was rushed to the hospital. By then she was making loud moans of agony. And it was taking considerable effort not to be making screams of pain.

"Owwwww, God DAMNIT" Karyn said loudly, "give me some drugs you gaaaahhhh idiots!"

The ambulance arrived at the hospital and she quickly got put into a room. A few random nurses and other folks came in and out of the room before finally the doctor arrived. He smiled and said, "Mrs. Yi, it's nice to see you again, even if it is a bit too soon. Let's have a look shall we?"

The doctor picked up the sheet covering her legs and looked at her penis. As he came back up he looked startled and said, "Oh my. I'm afraid you're already fully dilated. We're going to have to rush you into the delivery room, stat. NURSE!"

"Aaaaah! WHAT? No! UUUUGGGH, how the hell can you tell if my ugh THING is fully dilated? Are you sure?"

"Yes Jennifer, and I'm afraid this is going to be a rather difficult delivery with your narrow and elongated vaginal opening. But, just try to stay calm and we'll get you through it, OK?"

"Gaaah! Narrow and elongated vaginal opening? Ugggh, ow ow Ow OW! It's a PENIS you dumbass quack! Cut these babies out of me! Aaaahh!!!!"

"It's too late for a C-section I'm afraid ma'am, these babies are coming out, and they're coming out now! You have to PUSH!"

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