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13. The Device is Confiscated By t

12. Mrs. FInch and Athena DeVries

11. Mrs. Finch

10. Sarah is Still Talking

9. Sit?

8. Chair

7. Sarah

6. Jon and Karyn Go To School

5. Questions

4. Testing on two people

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Exchanger: The Device is Confiscated

avatar on 2012-08-28 21:20:24

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"You there," Athena suddenly said, walking in Karyn's direction. "Karyn, is it?" she asked, before pausing and looking at what was in Karyn's hand. "Is that a ... gun?"

"It's not real," Karyn said quickly. "It's a toy."

"You know the rules," Athena said. Athena caring about rules? Yeah, this version of her was different. "No guns allowed in school, fake or otherwise. I'll have to take that," she said, grabbing the Role Exchanger from Karyn's hand.

"But ..."

"I expected better of you," Athena said, before walking away with the device, not even realizing how dangerous it was.

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