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6. Role Exchanger: Broken

5. Role Exchanger: Two People

4. Test it on two objects.

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Exchanger: Broken

on 2012-08-06 17:39:11

7456 hits, 422 views, 2 upvotes.

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Karyn panicked as she looked around Zoe's room. It had previously been a complete mess, but now there appeared to only be about half as much stuff as before. Everything had been merged with something else. A few of Zoe's skirts had been merged with skirts -- making some dresses (pretty obvious). Her bed had been merged with a houseplant, making the sheets seem like giant leaves and the frame getting a bark-like quality. Zoe and Jon had been merged with things in the room too.

Jon had a screen where his face once was. He had merged with the television. Luckily, it was a rather small one, as Karyn couldn't imagine if he could even stand if it was much larger.

Zoe had merged with a poster on the wall, causing her body to be completely flat.

Karyn wondered what had happened to herself. She looked in the mirror and she was shocked. Her skin had turned into pink plastic. She was mostly just a cylinder with a domed top. She still had her face, but it was hard to move. She had no more arms or legs, but she could move slowly if she tried. She had been merged with Zoe's vibrator!

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